Sunday, August 29, 2010

Racism on the Rise as Fewer Jobs are Available?

All of these dealings with the mosque at the WTC and the 'public' outcry surrounding it really disgust me. Now before I get into this I am of Arab stock but I am by no means a Muslim, if I can claim to be anything it is an agnostic theist. That being said I feel every religion has either equal rights or no rights, if we let a select few have their way we've begun the transition into a theocracy with a handful of federally supported religions and we all know how well those end. It seems to me the majority of the 'whistle blowers' are either hardcore Christians or those imitating them to push a racist agenda. Why wasn't this outcry voiced earlier? There has been a mosque closer than the proposed one by the WTC for years, but only recently has there been any weight behind the grumblings. I personally feel this is another symptom of our worsening economy. With fewer people working you have those who have become so disillusioned, so embittered by the situation that they look for a convenient outlet. Enter the Muslim menace, responsible for 9/11, a continued war draining our economy and killing our people, and let's not forget the time honored 'they look different than us'.

Not so long ago you protestants were facing similar persecution throughout Europe yet how quickly you turn around and continue the cycle. For the Catholic faith, nothing like a new scapegoat to gloss over the flood of charges of child abuse, huh? Tell me, will you agree if the mosque by WTC won't be built that you will refrain from having any church with 5 miles of a school or child care center? Any logically minded person would think this is ridiculous, freedom of religion is a tenet of our society, and as such any of these proposed measures are out of line, not to mention they punish the many for the actions of a misguided few. You look at the media flaunted pictures of iraqi citizens in the street spewing hate and burning flags and decide instead of being the bigger man to devolve to their level?

Check out this news bit from the great state of Tennessee:

I understand the frustration and fear that everyone is feeling, you've got lenders breathing down your neck, children to feed, a car that keeps breaking down, all of these things but is it really worth trading your dignity for a useless outlet like this?

I'd like to have a discussion about this in the comments section if anyone is interested. Dissenting opinions are welcome we should all revel in the freedoms guaranteed in our constitution, speech and religion amongst them.


  1. great stuff. I see a lot of parallels with the increase in KKK activity during the depression. Interesting read.

  2. I don't like churches and mosques at all, but at least they're usually beautiful buildings. A nice change from the gray bricks that surround them.

  3. It's unfortunate that we humans seem to revert to fear and exclusion so quickly. I wonder if it has to be that way?

  4. This is a great post man! checking in on my daily rounds to show some real love for you. oh and i made a new minecraft blog maybe you check it out

  5. Oh noes intolerance! Just dropping by to show my respect and support for a fellow blogger ;)

  6. It disgusts me too, bro. When i got time i ll read your other posts too.

  7. Eventually we as human beings will learn how to tolerate other's differences in faith as difference of language is tolerated throughout the world. It's something of the same goal, the same message of compassion, to separate the fear from the love, unite the cultures who swim in the particular ocean, and spark the interest of the worldly and jaded. I respect any man of faith, any man of atheism, any man in between, so long as they aren't raping kids or selling crack. Nice post doot.
